
Assemblies January 2022

HT Assembly 4th January 2022
Our assembly today was about New Year.
We talked about the Roman God Janus who gave his name to January and how it is good to look forward to the new year and maybe think about resolutions but also to look back at all the things we achieved in 2021.
10th January 2022
Today Mr Roynon finished reading one of his favourite illustrated novels to the children - The Coming of the Surfman
We thought about how the main character reflected on his mistakes and how sometimes it is hard to listen to advice.
17th January 2022
In our assembly today we introduced our Skills Progression for this term - Expect to Connect

The children helped Mr Roynon create a story that encouraged them to consider how their behaviour impacts on other people and how we can make connections with people that we weren't expecting to connect with.

We also looked at some aerial footage of the volcano in Tonga and thought about how we can be concerned about the people there even though they are on the other side of the planet.
Assembly theme 24th January 2022: Expect to Connect
We looked particularly at stepping up and stepping back - I can work well as a team leader and member.
We watched some year 6 children skilfully apply this idea to create a human pyramid.