

As part of the Truro and Penwith Academy Trust we share a number of policies with other schools in the trust. 

Truro & Penwith Academy Trust  Policies

The following Policies are available on the TPAT website at the link below;

Admissions Policy

Complaints Policy

Complaints Form

Health and Safety Policy

Parent and Visitor Code of Conduct

Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure

Fair Processing Notice (privacy notice)

GDPR General policy

Data Protection Policy School Policy

Freedom of Information Policy


Truro and Penwith Academy Trust - Policies (tpacademytrust.org)



You can also find further information, including the trust's scheme of delegation, from the trust's key information page from the following link.



GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) 2021

Mousehole School is a member of Truro & Penwith Academy Trust and therefore our data is regulated according to the policies of the Trust.

You can also find the TPAT GDPR policy in the list below