
The Mousehole Curriculum in detail

Curriculum Overviews
The overviews below outline the subject matter to be taught in each phase (two year groups). Below these overviews you will find detailed curriculum progressions which give much greater detail about specific knowledge and skills to be taught in each subject at each phase. These are organised under broader subject headings for ease of reference.
Teachers will use more detailed planning to ensure that content is built on through sequences of lessons. The cumulative effect being that by the end of a sequence of lessons, children will learn the content of the curriculum progression being taught.
Please note: Where there are no curriculum progressions for a particular subject this is because the detail is already contained in the overview e.g. woodland or harbour skills. You can also find more detail about our Skills Progression on the overview page (use the menu on the left).
For information about how our curriculum delivery complies with our duties under the equality act 2010 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 please refer to the following documents available from our policies page:
- Accessibility Plan
- SEND report
- Mousehole SEN policy
- Curriculum Policy
- Prevent Duty Statement